
A Long Time Comin’

A Long Time Comin'


Kindle Unlimited
Included in Kindle Unlimited

5 Stars from Whipped Cream Reviews

5 stars from Whipped Cream Reviews

5 Feathers from Saucy and Sinful Reviews

5 Feathers from Saucy and Sinful Reviews

Toys 4 Us bag

Nominee for Best Book of the Month
by Whipped Cream Reviews
(March 2012)

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A sex toy party with her six sassy gal pals? Caitlyn Hagerty is IN! Getting that tingly feeling just looking at the goodies, Cait buys four and screws up her courage to commit to one dynamite plan. She’ll show them to the only man in her life she gets all hot and wet for—and who has no idea he’s the one man she’s craved for too damn long. When Delta Force hunk John Ramos flies home on R&R, Cait promises herself to seduce Ram–or cut him from her life forever.

Ram spots the risque items on Cait’s bed and realizes his claim of her voluptuous body has been too long comin’. It’s time to treat her right. Fess up to what he’s wanted all these years. Take Cait into his chaotic life–for one wild night.

And if she wants more?

She has to know that time is not on their side. Right?